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You Are Surrounded at Charlottesville’s Second Street Gallery explores the role children and parenting play in artistic practice and inspiration for four Virginia artists with young families: Warren Craghead, Sarah Boyts Yoder (both of Charlottesville), and Heide Trepanier and Cynthia Henebry from Richmond. Heide and Sarah are both VCCA Fellows.

In her elegant and highly-charged abstract works, Heide creates imaginary environments where formal elements, drips and marks, assume personality with anthropomorphic characteristics, and play out various emotional aspects: fear, greed, joy, in non-linear narratives.

Heide describes her working process as an “attempt to make sense of my surroundings or come to ever shifting conclusions about myself, and my culture through environments.”
Using such diverse materials as oil sticks, traditional acrylic, and latex house paint to create mixed media paintings and collages, Sarah derives inspiration from the books, illustrations, and cartoons she experiences with her two small children, in addition to the more traditional influences of Abstract Expressionist and Pop Art theory. 

The resulting work is bold, colorful and multilayered with an interesting balance of the naïve and the sophisticated. Through Novenber 1. An extension of “You Are Surrounded” will travel to 1708 Gallery in Richmond in Spring 2015.