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As many of you know, the VCCA pool has been tragically empty all summer. Dry as a bone. We even found a mummified frog in the deep end. And frankly, we’re concerned about the effect this is having on some of our Fellows. They want to swim off the heat so badly that they’re seeing things. Just the other week, Karl Nussbaum gazed down at the empty concrete box and swore he saw a dive-in movie theater. Before long, he had all the Fellows seeing it. They even pooled together to watch Paul Newman in “Sweet Bird of Youth”. Maysey Craddock documented the phenomenon. (To see more of her dive-in movie photos at Flickr, click here.)

Since that night, there’s been talk of pool halls, mini-golf courses, fallout shelters…all sorts of poolishness.

At the same time, Michael Dowell, VCCA’s financial wizard, has been working with the board to find the $14,000 needed for repairs – and they’ve already pooled $6,000. The dilemma is that in order to have things in swimming condition by next spring … work has to start in October … which means we need to raise an additional $8,000 by the end of September.

If Everyone Puts a Drop in the Bucket, We Can Fill a Pool

The dive-in movie was a splash hit, but everyone agrees that water works better. Please help us restore the VCCA pool to its full, sparkling glory for 2011! Click here if you wish to make a donation on line. Or call Carol O’Brien at 434-946-7236, or send her an email:

“Pool Your Money”and make a splash next summer!