A Preview Event for LONG VIEWS
Many astounding artists have generously donated artwork to LONG VIEWS, an online art auction benefitting the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. On Thursday, April 29, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. ET, you’re invited to a special livestream event featuring three of those artists. VCCA Fellows SoHyun Bae, Bill Jacobson, and Pat Lipsky will join VCCA Executive Director Kevin O’Halloran and VCCA Deputy Director Sheila Gulley Pleasants to discuss their pieces included in the auction.
This event is open to the public. You can watch live on Facebook or on YouTube.
LONG VIEWS bidding opens to Preview Access ticket holders starting May 2, 2021.
Online and mobile bidding will open to the public on Friday, May 7, and close on Saturday, May 15.
Preview our guest artists and their work below.