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If you’re in Buffalo, New York between now and November 1, don’t miss Tatana Kellner’s Requiem for September 11th, a public artwork at the CEPA Gallery in the historic Market Arcade Building.

“Composed of 44 white, translucent fabric banners suspended in two columns, the piece hovers in the narrow space of the atrium as two silvery, shifting volumes eerily suggestive of the twin towers. These ‘towers’, however, have been stripped of all weight and substance, and out of their soft, veiled interiors float ghostly portraits – some 3,000 in all – of the victims of the attacks on Sept. 11. The effect is remarkable for its simplicity and restraint.”RICHARD HUNTINGTON, THE BUFFALO NEWS ART CRITIC

It was originally shown at this location on the first anniversary of the attack and served as the official commemorative site for the city of Buffalo.

617 Main Street, #201
Buffalo, New York

Weekdays: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am – 4:45 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm