Renowned artist, educator, and gallerist Alonzo Davis (1942–2025) first came to VCCA as a Fellow in 1995 through a special initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts.
He served on the VCCA Fellows Council from 1999 to 2003, later joining the VCCA Board of Directors in 2004. In 2007, Alonzo challenged VCCA to establish a permanent fully-funded two-week residency for outstanding American writers, visual artists, and composers of African or Latin American descent: the Alonzo Davis Fellowship, which has been awarded to 23 recipients to date.
Alonzo attended seven residencies at VCCA between 1995 and 2009.
“The thing about VCCA and other artist retreats is that it forces you into a situation where you must engage and deal with yourself and your creative energy.”
— Alonzo Davis in conversation with Rone Shavers, 2020
Read more about Alonzo’s incredible life, career, and legacy via Artnet:
Alonzo Davis, Artist and Pioneering Gallerist Who Championed Black Art, Has Died
Alonzo Davis, Scattershot, 1995
Alonzo Davis, Courtesy of the Alonzo Davis studio