Please direct press inquiries to VCCA Director of Communications Kim Doty at
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VCCA in the News
WVTF Public Radio and Radio IQ
Artists find inspiration at Virginia retreat
Virginia is home to one of the nation’s oldest and largest residency programs for artists, hosting more than 400 painters and sculptors, writers and composers each year. Ten years ago, its future was in doubt, but today, thanks to one painting, its future is assured.
Virginia Living
How Virginia Center of the Creative Arts Changed This Duo
Sharon and Reece Carter both won residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) for their different techniques.
The News & Advance
Poetry and Prose
Acclaimed novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet Crystal Wilkinson presented her work to the public at the Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum in Lynchburg. Wilkinson is the 2024 recipient of the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts’ Anne Spencer Fellowship.
Virginia Living
A Place to Create
Enter the property known as Mt. San Angelo, just outside of Amherst, and a sign near the cattle guard reads “Cows and Cars Share the Road.” As you hairpin up the hill, your inner clock begins to slow, and you feel the rare gift this pastoral setting offers artists seeking refuge from the hubbub of daily life.
Washington Post
Find the space to create at these off-the-grid retreats near the D.C. area
When you’re at work on an intense artistic project, space is important. There is the need for literal space, where you can create comfortably for long periods free of distraction. And then there’s the metaphorical space, one absent many of the responsibilities of everyday life. A coffee shop or shared workspace doesn’t cut it.