Jenny Lynn McNutt’s work will be featured in A Menagerie of Metaphors along with such art luminaries at Louise Bourgeois, Walton Ford and Kiki Smith. The show, the 103rd Annual Exhibition at Randolph College’s Maier Museum, will be on view September 12-December 14. Jenny Lynn will be the featured visual artist in the 23rd Annual Helen Clark Berlind Symposium (October 3-4) at the museum.
As the title of the show suggests, the work on view goes beyond illustration into the realm of allegory and Jenny Lynn’s rabbits fit right in. With their exaggerated haunches and ears, they evoke the quintessential idea of a rabbit or lanky hare, but their soulful, threatening, or rapturous attitudes add an anthropomorphic touch that underscores the “elastic continuum of creatures.” This theme, central to Jenny Lynn’s work, also figures in Precise Breathing, a project she developed about the honeybee between 2001 and 2010 beginning with a solo performance and culminating with a diverse installation of sculpture and works on paper.
Using dynamic lines and veils of scumbled color that range from soft to bold, Jenny Lynn renders her leporidswith an exuberance and potency that seems to perfectly match their animus. Dancing, floating or upside down, they seem to inhabit a dreamscape. Indeed, it was a transformative dream where a ten-foot hare appeared and waltzed Jenny Lynn away that provided the inspiration for this body of work entitled Zoopsia (hallucination of animals), first begun in 2010 at VCCA.