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Annette Gendler reports that The Ernest Hemingway Foundation has selected her as the 2014-15 Writer in Residence at the Hemingway Birthplace in Oak Park, IL where Annette will occupy the attic office. “What could be cooler than writing from Hemingway’s attic?” Annette writes.

She is currently looking for a publisher for her memoir concerning forbidden love (between a German and a Jew) that actually worked out. An excerpt, ‘Giving Up Christmas,’ was published in Tablet Magazine, another excerpt, ‘Thrown Out of the Family Home’ appeared in The Wall Street Journal. Her work has been in such literary magazines as Bellevue Literary Review, Natural Bridge, Under the Sun, and South Loop Review. Annette writes for the Washington Independent Review of Books as well asJewish Book World. After three residencies at VCCA, Annette considers it almost her second home.