Sculptor and multimedia artist Carlos Ferguson pulled into the VCCA in a lovingly restored 1962 Airstream trailer, which serves as his home, studio and the location for his film-based, “visual-experience” art–the projection of vintage movies.
While in residence at the VCCA he has been making shoebox-sized dioramas out of cut photographs, balsa wood models, foam and fake grass. The dioramas will be suspended with a pulley system so that the viewer can peek in the lenses on the side of the boxes as well as look directly down into the space from above. The interiors are something like little worlds – a suburban subdivision, for example, with tornado and alien abduction.
Carolos, a native of Iowa, will head south after the VCCA to teach bookmaking at Centre College in Kentucky and then a drawing class at The Studios Key West, before heading north again to Burlington, Vermont to work on his fantasy project. Carlos explains, “I am taking apart another airstream and reconfiguring it as a tiny artist-pod that could be pulled by a regular sized car – if this prototype works well then I will try to make a few and create something like a rolling residency, a performance and spectacle-based group that could tour back roads and put on shows.”
Image above: “Flight and salt for the earth,” created during Carlos’ VCCA residency.
Learn more about Carlos and his work and travels: