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Composer Gerald Cohen’s new CD, Sea of Reeds will be released by Navona Records in early November. With a CD release party on November 11 at  Le Poisson Rouge in New York City.

Sea of Reeds is a compilation of Gerald’s recent chamber music for trio, featuring both clarinet and piano.

The collection represents several years of collaboration with such instrumentalists as the Grneta Ensemble (Vasko Dukovski and Ismail Lumanovski, clarinets, and Alexandra Joan, piano), together with the string players Jennifer Choi and Maria Lambros. The concert on November 11 will feature these musicians playing several of the pieces from the CD.  

According to Gerald, “The music ranges from the jazzy Variously Blue to the meditative Yedid Nefesh, and also includes arrangements for two clarinets and piano of several of my best-known synagogue melodies.”

The CD is now available for pre-order from Amazon and is also available to pre-order in mp3 format from Amazon and iTunes.