Writers, visual artists, and composers who request financial assistance on their residency applications can receive full or partial funding from a variety of sources. All VCCA residencies are supported in part by the Annual Fund, which covers more than least 50% of the residency’s actual cost. In addition, VCCA’s endowment provides more than $150,000 annually in financial aid to VCCA Fellows. A selection of annually sponsored fellowships provide additional funding opportunities. VCCA actively seeks funds to increase its endowment, with the ultimate goal of endowing all of its residencies and removing the need for artists to pay residency fees of any amount.
Certain fully-funded fellowships are available only for select scheduling periods, while other fellowship funds provide support year round.
Sponsored Fellowships
- 50th Anniversary Fellowships for Artists of Color: Conceived during VCCA’s 50th anniversary year in 2021 and established in 2022, 50th Anniversary Fellowships provide free two-week residencies to artists of color who are new to VCCA.
- Harry D. Forsyth Fellowship for the Visual Arts: Established in 1999 to support residencies by Sweet Briar College alums demonstrating exceptional ability and commitment to the visual arts.
- Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Fellowship: First funded in 2015 through the L.E.A.W. Foundation to support residencies by MICA faculty.
- Montana Fellowship: Funded annually through the L.E.A.W. Foundation since 2006 to support residencies by artists from Montana.
- Richard S. and Julia Louise Reynolds Poetry Fellowship: This fellowship for poets is supported by a grant from the Reynolds Foundation.
Endowed Fellowships
- Jane Geuting Camp Fellowship: Established in 1988 in memory of former VCCA Board President Jane Camp by her family and the J.L. Camp Foundation.
- Camp-Younts Fellowship: Sharon Camp Carter joined the VCCA Board of Directors in 2021 and in 2022 established this fellowship to support residencies at Mt. San Angelo for artists working in any genre.
- Columbus School for Girls Endowment: Established in 2003 to support the residencies of writers, visual artists, and composers with preference given to teachers and alumnae of the Columbus School for Girls, Columbus, Ohio.
- Columbus School for Girls for Moulin à Nef: Supports residencies at VCCA’s Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France.
- Barbara Crooker Caregiving Fellowship: Established in 2021 by poet and VCCA Fellow Barbara Crooker to support residencies by artists of any discipline who also caring for an ill or disabled spouse, child, or other family member.
- Richard E. Cytowic Fellowship: Established in 2023 by Richard Cytowic to support writers working in long-form nonfiction. Preference given to writers who are gay, residents of Washington D.C., or caring for an ill or disabled family member.
- Alonzo Davis Endowment for Fellowships: Established in 2004 by VCCA Fellow and former Board Member Alonzo Davis to support residencies by writers, visual artists and composers who are American citizens of African and/or Latinx descent.
- George Edwards and Rachel Hadas Endowment for Fellowships: Established in 2012 by VCCA Fellow Rachel Hadas in memory of her husband, Fellow George Edwards, to support residencies by artists working in any genre.
- SSG & AC Edwards Endowment for Fellowships: Established in 2013 by VCCA Fellow Mary D. Edwards in honor of Sarah Stanley Gordon Edwards and Archibald Cason Edwards to support female-identifying visual artists with preference given to Native Americans.
- Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation for Fellowships: Established to support African American and Latinx visual artists.
- The Goldfarb Family Fund: Established in 2000 through The Aida Goldfarb Art Law Library Fund by Fellow and former Board member Ronald Goldfarb to support a creative nonfiction writer.
- Hilary Gordon Edwards Fellowship: Established in 2022 by VCCA Fellow Mary Edwards in memory of her brother to support composers, with preference given to Native Americans.
- The Phillip and Eric Heiner Endowed Fellowship Fund: Established in 2005 by Frances S. Heiner of Lynchburg, Virginia, in honor of her sons to support residencies by artists in any genre.
- Robert Johnson Endowment Fund: Established in 2018, the fund was initiated in 2006 by the VCCA Fellows Council in memory of long-time employee Robert Johnson to support the residencies of writers, visual artists, and composers.
- Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation Fellowship in Photography: Established in 2020 by the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation, this fund supports residencies by photographers who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.
- Edith Leonian Words and Music Collaborative Fellowship: Established in 2024 to provide a collaborative residency of up to two weeks for two artists working together on an artistic project combining words and music.
- Patricia and Jerre Mangione Fellowship: Established in 2003 through a bequest of Fellows Patricia and Jerre Mangione to support residencies by artists over 65 years of age.
- Bethea Scott Owen Fellowship: Established in 2013 through a bequest of visual artist Bethea Scott Owen to support writers, visual artists, and composers.
- Sara Pennypacker Fellowship: Established in 2018 by Sara D. Young to support a writer, visual artist, or composer whose focus is on creating substantive work for children.
- Steven Petrow and Julie Petrow-Cohen LGBTQ+ Fellowship: Established by VCCA Fellow and Board member Steven Petrow to support writers in any genre who self-identify as LGBTQ+.
- Sheila Gulley Pleasants Fellowship: Established in 2024 to honor the retirement and 35-year career of beloved staff member Sheila Gulley Pleasants, this fellowship provides need-based financial support to help VCCA Fellows working in any discipline attend a VCCA residency at le Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France.
- Germaine Poliakov Fellowship: Established in 2022 by VCCA Fellow and Board member Sandell Morse in memory of Germaine Poliakov, a Resistance worker during WWII who cared for Jewish refugee children in a secret house in Southwest France. Provides a free 18-day residency and $1,000 travel stipend for a writer at VCCA’s le Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France.
- William Graves Sackett Fellowship: Established in 2007 through a bequest of VCCA Board member Billy Sackett to support artist residencies at VCCA.
- Karen Shea and Gabe Silverman Endowment for Fellowships: Established in 2006 in memory of VCCA Fellow and Board member Karen Shea and renamed in 2013 to include Karen’s late husband, developer and arts patron Gabe Silverman.
- The Spiral Shell Fellowship: Established in 2022 by VCCA Fellow and Board member Sandell Morse to support Fellow writers attending VCCA’s residency program at the Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France.
- Marian Treger Fellowship for Enduring Creativity: Established in 2021 by friends of Marian Treger, a writer, screenwriter, and visual artist whose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome interfered with her ability to fully immerse herself in the creative world. This fellowship supports women fiction writers, screenwriters, or visual artists, emerging in mid-life and beyond, whose creative paths may have been detoured or hindered by chronic health conditions or disabilities.
- Cy Twombly Endowment for Fellowships: Established in 2011 through a gift from the Cy Twombly Foundation in memory of American artist, VCCA Fellow, and Advisory Council member Cy Twombly, this fund supports artists working in any genre.
- Anne Spencer Fellowship Fund: Established in 2017 by Elizabeth Logan Harris, Ann Frank Harris Slaughter, and Lyall Forsyth Harris in honor of Harlem Renaissance poet and civil rights activist Anne Spencer. The fellowship supports a writer, visual artist, or composer of African American descent.
- Wachtmeister Award: Established in 2002 by VCCA Board member Linda Wachtmeister, the Wachtmeister Award is administered by the Fellows Council and is presented biennially in rotation to a prominent writer, visual artist or composer/sound artist whose significant achievement is widely recognized.