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Attention Fellows!

Getting into the holiday spirit, VCCA has extended the application deadline for International Residencies to December 31, 2013.  As long as your application is postmarked by the 31st, we will include it for review.
Why not take advantage of this opportunity to work abroad at one of our partner organizations in Austria, Malta, Germany, or Ireland or at the VCCA-France facility is picturesque Auvillar, France?

“My residency at Moulin à Nef could not have been a greater gift to my creative life…The special character of Auvillar and support of VCCA heightened for me the thrill of discovery…The sights alone gave me a lifetime of imagery and memories.” 
-Meredith Fife Day on her residency in Auvillar.
Find the application for the program in Auvillar, France here.

“The staff and facilities were amazing. It was a once in a lifetime experience for me as an artist, incredibly productive also.  The castle is set in a beautiful part of the country and fascinating in itself. I would wholeheartedly encourage other VCCA Fellows to apply.”
-Michele Schuff on her residency at Schloss Plüschow, Germany, in May 2013.

Find the application for the international exchange program here.

For more information about international programming, visit our website or email

top photo: Eglise St. Pierre, Auvillar, France
bottom photo: Schloss Plüschow, Plüschow, Germany