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We appreciate all the photos submitted by our Fellows! Entries for VCCA’s 2017 Instagram postcard contest closed on Aug. 31st. The winning first-place image was unveiled at the VCCA Fellows Reunion in New York City on September 15th.
We are most grateful to our renowned jurors, Langdon and Maude Schuyler Clay and VCCA Fellows Council vice-chair Amie Oliver, without whom this contest would not have been possible.
And the winners are…

Tied for first place: The Rabbits And The Statuary Conspire and Blue Selfie with Full Moon, both by Dan Vera. These are recent photos taken with his phone during his August 2017 residency. The Rabbits And The Statuary Conspire was selected as VCCA’s new postcard image.

Second place: Adjustment to Light #10, Claudia Smigrod. Photo taken during  her July 2014 residency at VCCA; the image is exposed on expired Polaroid Type 55 film.

Third place: Solitaire, Jane Cornish Smith. The grounds of VCCA in Amherst, captured during her October 2016 residency.

Fourth place: Untitled, Hedieh Javanshir Ilchi. This shows a work-in-progress (image courtesy of the artist and Hemphill Fine Arts) created during her summer 2017 residency at VCCA, supported by the MidAtlantic Arts Foundation.

A little more about the jurors:

Langdon and Maude Schuyler Clay are fine art photographers living in Sumner, MS. Their work has been featured globally in exhibitions, print and digital media and is included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Victoria & Albert Museum among others. Langdon Clay covers architecture, interiors, gardens, food, and portraits, and includes a noted book of photographs of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and his most recent book Cars: New York City, 1974. Maude Schuyler Clay’s pictures of Mississippi can be seen in her books Mississippi History (published by Steidl) and Delta Land.