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With four composers currently in residence, there is plenty of music in the studio barn. But last night there was even more when a group of area bluegrass musicians, including Fellow and painter Ryan Russell from Lexington, gathered on the gazebo, sharing the traditional music and dance of the Blue Ridge. When Fellow Florence Bernault (writer, Madison, Wisconsin) heard the group at Sweet Briar College, she invited them to play an impromptu concert at the VCCA. Led by SBC librarian Joe Malloy, Ryan, Bo Hughes, Tom Williams and Kathy Williams arrived with their fiddles, guitars and banjos and picked, strummed and sang for two hours, crescendoing with a rendition of the Virginia Reel (pictured here), which Joe called in true bluegrass form. Ryan’s wife, Fellow and painter Agnes Carbrey was on hand as well, sketching the scene. Our synergistic relationship with Sweet Briar College knows no bounds! We are grateful for all the ways we engage each other.

P.S. Bluegrass lovers, check out The Rockbridge Mountain Music Festival this Friday & Sat at the Glen Maury Park in nearby Buena Vista.