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After decades of informal discussions, VCCA and Sweet Briar College have decided to study the various possibilities of a permanent home for VCCA.

VCCA has been leasing Mt. San Angelo from Sweet Briar since 1977. Both institutions have agreed to actively pursue a long-term solution to the current annual lease renewals. The timing is mutually beneficial in that VCCA is embarking on a new Strategic Plan, while Sweet Briar is implementing its Plan for Sustainable Excellence.
The opportunities to explore include, but are not limited to, the following options:
  • VCCA purchases the Mt. San Angelo property and remains there
  • VCCA and SBC enter into a lease-to-purchase agreement for the Mt. San Angelo property and VCCA remains there
  • VCCA moves to the Sweet Briar College campus
  • VCCA moves to another non-SBC location
This is a long-range planning process, one that will take place over the course of several years. VCCA Fellows, friends and supporters will be invited to share their point of view to help inform the process.
After gathering detailed information on each option, the VCCA Strategic Planning Committee will recommend to the Board of Directors an option to pursue. Subsequent actions will be based on the option selected.
VCCA expects the current lease to remain in effect until a final decision is made and achieved.
For 35 years, the histories of Sweet Briar College and VCCA have been richly intertwined. This process will be a continuation of the teamwork we have always enjoyed.

We plan to establish a blog to keep you informed about this process entitled, Securing a Permanent Space for VCCA. Until then, please feel free to leave comments on this blog entry.

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Photo of VCCA entrance (above) by Bernard Handzel, photographer Fellow, NY