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On July 15, Split This Rock and Busboys and Poets celebrated VCCA with a reading from Entering the Real World: VCCA Poets on Mt. San Angelo — an anthology of poems that were written about or inspired by VCCA residencies. The house was packed with folks who came to hear nine VCCA Fellows read from the popular anthology. (Photos by Split This Rock board member Dan Vera and Pete Montgomery.)
Split This Rock Director Sarah Browning welcomes a full house to the reading of Entering the Real World: VCCA Poets on Mt. San Angelo at Busboys and Poets.
Anthology co-editor Andrea Carter Brown and contributor Kim Roberts share the excitement.
Contributor Karren LaLonde Alenier reads from Entering the Real World: VCCA Poets on Mt. San Angelo.
Contributor Holly Bass reads work she wrote while in residence at VCCA.
Contributor Becky Gould Gibson reads from the anthology.
Co-editor Margaret B. Ingraham reading her poem in the anthology.
Contributor Kim Roberts reads a poem she wrote while in residence at Mt. San Angelo.
VCCA Fellow Dan Vera tells the story about being chased by a cow while out for a ride at Mt. San Angelo.
Contributor Michele Wolf reading from Entering the Real World: VCCA Poets on Mt. San Angelo.