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If you’re in the DC area on Saturday, October 20, don’t miss the opening reception for VCCA Resident Artist Barbara Bernstein’s new exhibition Points of View at the Arlington Arts Center. A site-specific solo exhibition, Points of View is part of Fall Solos 2012 awarded by the Arlington Arts Center with judges from the Phillips Collection and the Smithsonian African Art Museum.

Points of View by Barbara Bernstein
Opening Reception
October 20
6 – 9 pm
2550 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, Virginia

Barbara has another exhibition planned for the Arlington area entitled Connections, a commission from the Virginia Transit Authority and Arlington Public Arts Council. Samples of the designs Barbara did for seven stations will be on display November 29 through December 23. On December 1, Barbara will be giving a talk about this project. Click here for more about Connections.

If you’ve been in residence at Mt. San Angelo recently, you may have seen Barbara’s volunteer project for the Lynchburg Neighborhood Development Foundation, which is featured in the Public Art Dialogue Journal.